Sabtu, 24 Mei 2014

Important Facts About Mobile Home Skirting

By Marci Glover

Manufactured houses are normally placed on blocks which are then rested on a concrete foundation. This usually results in a space between the concrete slab and the house floor. In order to seal the gap created in-between, mobile home skirting is in most cases done. In some instances they are also termed as trailer skirting. Their main use is to create a barrier between the two surfaces.

Skirting is important if you want to decorate your mobile home. The quality of the outlook is however highly dependent on your budget. Nevertheless, besides giving the house good looks, the process also serves to cover the structural elements of the home. In addition, it helps in regulating the temperatures during summer and winter.

The market has a wide variety of materials one can use for skirting purposes. However, the choice of which to use is entirely based on how deep you want to dig into your pocket. The materials used also determine the final appearance of the house. Some of them are easy to use while others require seeking the services of a professional.

The basic thing to put into consideration before going into trailer skirting is the cost involved. Knowing the linear footage of your home will give you a rough idea on cost. This measurement is calculated by adding up the length and the width of all four sides of the structure. The final cost is dependent on how much material you will need to buy in terms of feet.

After the above step, calculate the height in feet from the ground to the level you want the skirting to reach using a tape measure. Repeat this for all the four corners of the house. Thereafter, get the measurement from the middle point of both two sides of the trailer. Run an average of the six measurements to tabulate an average figure which will then be used as the height.

The type of material you will also play role in the total cost of the project. If operating on a low budget, then vinyl can be a good option. This is because it is cost friendly and does not require a professional to carry out the installation process. Reil rock panels can also be used in this case. These are made of tough plastic that gives them the look of stone and are tough. They are also relatively cheap and easy to install. If your main goal is to regulate the temperature below the house then faux rock can be the best option. This is due to the fact that it is made out of polyurethane, a material that can withstand extreme temperatures. There however other materials available in the market such as plywood, bricks and metal.

Once you are done with cost evaluation and selecting the appropriate material for your house, acquire all the supplies needed for the job and transport them to the site. Using a saw blade, cut the panels of the material to be used to the exact size of the skirt. Place a wooden frame on the concrete and screw it to the ground. If need be, you can as well place a frame on the base of the house too. Using a screw drill place the boards to cover the gap and screw them to the wooden frames.

As seen above, trailer skirting is important if you own one. You should however consult an expert if you are not in position to do the job alone. The Internet can be helpful if you want to find one within your area.

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