Sabtu, 07 Juni 2014

Hire Powder Coating Los Angeles Contractors For Quality Metal Coloring

By Sally Delacruz

Powder coating is a way to add strength, stability, durability, and color to your metal pieces. Basically, it is akin to painting the metal but with one key difference, the paint used is in form of powders as opposed to the usual liquid form. No solvent is required to keep the binder and filler in liquid form. You can do the coating yourself or you can use powder coating Los Angeles contractors who offer these services.

The coat applied is thick and uniform, and a wide selection of different colors can be used in the process. The process also does not harm the environment. Since no solvent is needed to keep the binder and filler in liquid form, the process does not produce as much mess as traditional painting processes and eliminates paint runs. The powders used are also not poisonous or flammable.

Thermoplastics have different properties and are more expensive. They are strong but flexible and more plastic in nature. They do not easily withstand heat and can melt if exposed. However, they have high lubrication properties, can easily be remodeled and recycled and have better impact resistance. They are used in small mechanical parts and on items such as park benches and railings.

Powders application is a simple process with few steps. First comes the preparation. The contractors first find out what you are going to coat and then choose the right type of powders. Items from the surface being coated that should not be covered are removed for example, nuts and bolts. Finally, the surface to be coated is cleaned thoroughly. Sand blasting or sand paper can be used to remove anything getting in the way of the bare metal surface.

Another advantage of such coats is that a wide range of colors can be used. The resulting coat is also durable and lasts for a very long time. The coat produced is also thick and more likely to be uniform than on a traditionally painted surface. The process also does not pollute the environment as the particles are neither poisonous nor flammable.

Once the material is determined and the selection done, the base metal is thoroughly cleaned. The metal can be sanded to produce pits, which can make the powder to adhere to the surface more effectively. When the bare metal surface is exposed, the powders can be applied. This is normally done using an electrostatic gun.

Powder coating is a common process done on items ranging from heavy industrial machinery to common household items. It is also used to produce art pieces. This is because it has many advantages over using liquid paint. Powdered coats are more durable and offer a wide array of different colors. Once the coat has been applied, it is pretty much permanent.

Here, the object is heated using infrared light or an oven. Temperatures of 190 degrees Celsius are sustained for about 15 minutes and then the metal is allowed to cool. The metal at that point has a very beautiful and professional, high quality finish. Contacting contractors in your area to get a quality metal coat can help preserve the strength and look of the objects.

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