Senin, 11 Agustus 2014

The Facts About Neuropsychological Testing NYC

By Tanisha Berg

Dementia is a condition that mainly affects people over the age of 65. The symptoms of dementia include progressive loss of memory and at least one other cognitive deficit. Sometimes, mood disorders such as anxiety or depression may mimic the symptoms of dementia. One way of distinguishing between the two types of condition is to use neuropsychological testing NYC. New York City is a heavily populated metropolis, with more than eight million residents. As the segment of senior citizens grows larger, it becomes vitally important to distinguish dementia from other mental health problems.

Neuropsychological testing (NPT) is designed to study a specific psychological function that is linked to a discrete region in the brain. There are four categories of NPT, including one called psychometrics. This branch of NPT compares the score of one individual with the combined scores of the rest of the population.

The second type of test in the NPT battery concerns how the subject relates to left and right. The third type of test looks for anomalies associated with specific disorders. These are called pathognomic signs. The final category of NPT relates to anomalous test scores that are associated with a specific type of brain damage.

Your doctor might send you for NPT if you have recently had a knock to the head, if you have been exposed to nervous system poisons or if you have a history of alcohol or drug abuse. He may also order these investigations if you have had a stroke or a seizure, if you have MS, AIDS, or if you have a brain tumor. Another reason for gathering data using these tests is to monitor your progress with a particular therapy for one of these conditions.

There are a number of hospitals in New York City where NPT may be performed. One such center is New York University's Langone Medical Center in Manhattan. It is one of the best hospitals in the country and it is ranked in 13 specialties, including neurology & neurosurgery and rehabilitation. In June 2014, it was reported that the hospital would be piloting new "flight simulator" software that enables surgeons to "practice" a patient's operation by working from a 3D model built up from CT and MRI scans.

New York-Presbyterian provides services to the most populous and diverse city in the country. Administratively, it is composed of five counties called boroughs. These are Staten Island, Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn and the Bronx. These boroughs were consolidated into a single city in 1898.

New York City has the largest population density on the planet, nearly 28,000 people per square mile. There are 800 separate languages spoken here; this is hardly surprising, considering that the port of New York is a main point of entry for new immigrants coming legally into the country. The headquarters of the United Nations is an international diplomatic center situated in Turtle Bay.

The city was once named New Amsterdam, when it was settled by immigrants from the Netherlands. The English renamed it in 1664. For about five years in the late 18th century, it was the nation's capital.

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