Kamis, 12 November 2015

You Have Far Greater Competition Than Others

By Evan Sanders

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle

Don't ever compete with others. You're better than that.

Maybe you're asking, "Should I compete with myself?" No, don't do that either. You're still better than that.

No you deserve a different breed of competition.

Compete with your potential, what you are capable of, and who you could become.

It's time to start a fight for what you could become. It's time to enter into the arena looking to compete with what you are capable of and forgetting about other people or even your old self. When you start competing with your potential you will grow into something far greater than who you are right now.

When you do this, you could grow into someone incredibly special.

Even when you are feeling bad, you have to get up and get going. Your potential is already a few steps ahead of you and if you really want to give it a good chase you are going to have to get moving. It's time to rock and roll despite the fact that you don't feel great. Give your best anyways.

Who is that potential person?

While I can't tell you exactly what your potential looks like, I can tell you a little bit about that person in general. Your potential is a man or woman of distinct character, someone who never gives up, who is always chasing their dreams and what they are capable of and never quits no matter how hard life gets at times. Most of all, they believe in themselves.

But that's the point...you are capable of it.

While this might sound intimidating to some, don't let it discourage you. You will never fully achieve your potential but that's actually the point. Because while you are chasing what you are capable of you will grow into an individual that is far beyond who you could have been if you just called it in every single day.

In order to become the best version of yourself you are going to have to be willing to go up against a competitor that you can never defeat. Be proud of this. Because instead of winning, you will grow. That, more than anything, is worth its weight in diamonds.

So what is your potential?

It could absolutely change your life.

About the Author:

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