Rabu, 27 Januari 2016

The Modern Family Inheritance System Put In Place

By Donna Bell

Guidelines have been put in place to ensure the intended heir or heirs of properties left behind by the deceased are shared as stated in a process referred to as family inheritance system. Inheritance also can also indicate property itself. Law of succession in modern society regulates this process.

In most cases the deceased leaves behind a will. A will states down the beneficiaries of all the properties from the deceased. The law does not allow the husband to leave the spouse out of a will in most cases. Spouses will own half of the property they acquired while married unless they had agreed to refute this right by getting into a contract. This only happens in states that follow community property system.

According to Islamic systems in some states, the sons inherit twice as much as daughters. Complete laws governing inheritance in Islam is a little bit complicated because it takes into account many kinship relations but in principle, male inherit twice as much as the female with some exceptions.

In Spain, all children without discrimination need to participate in the succession process. The child that inherited the house and the larger share of their land had the bigger share taking a third of all the properties. Just like the Islamic system, in Sweden, sons inherited twice the share of what their sisters get; this happened between the thirteenth to nineteenth centuries.

Some Africans countries allows a spouse to get remarried in case of their husband dying. The spouse will inherit the property left behind by the husband. The spouse was required to share the property she acquired with the new husband. The spouse now has the rights to retain all the properties she inherited according to the new laws.

In other states, the children have no rights at all to inherit from their parents however in a few circumstances children may be entitled to claim a share of a deceased parent property. Modern society should allow children to be the beneficiaries of these properties left behind without discrimination.

A husband was allowed to marry as many wives as they could and its still practiced in some countries. They would conceive many children and the man would ensure that he shares his properties equally among the wives and children. The man would otherwise write a will to make sure everyone gets their fair share; otherwise, wrangles are bound to rise in his absence when it comes to sharing of this property.

Men, women and girls should have equal rights of inheritance. Women and girls would be discriminated in the past when it came to properties being inherited. They would get little or no share. Laws governing the line of succession have been created. They ensure equality of rank between spouses, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers. We have the civil laws and the customary laws. Civil should have supremacy over customary.

Family members kill their brothers and sister so as they can retain the properties left behind by the deceased. Some families take each other to courts so as they can try to solve the matter legally. As a family man, its recommended that you write a will as early as possible to avoid disputes just in case you are gone. The government is also stepping in and creating laws that govern the systems of inheritance.

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