Jumat, 26 April 2019

Learning About Fiber Optic Monitoring Systems

By Margaret Phillips

Companies need internal systems to organize and work their operations and productions. Systems vary in usage so they need to have one in every aspect of operations. These serve as control technology to analyze performance and detect errors. Here, we are going to tackle about the fiber optic monitoring systems.

Provisions are embedded in this system for network security, infrastructure and construction, and maintenance. It continually assesses fiber quality using the help of systems and tools integrated in it. It has fiber optic metrics which it uses when ding analysis in performance trends. It alerts its system administrator in real time once system intrusions, threats, and errors occur.

Hence, the company really does need this. One reason is because the optical cables can support the lines of communication in the internal operations. It has higher bandwidth in regards to internet connection which ensures improvements in data integrity. It also extended its reach to company internal systems to easily detect faults directly from the source,

However, just because this system has that security, it does not mean that it is not prone to system breach. Common issues detected here are fiber tapping. This has continuously become a problem to IT technicians of both company and their provider. There is a way to detect it when it happens but ways to prevent it entirely have not been made yet.

Aside from that, limitations are also associated with it as well. It is commonly known as dead zones or blackouts. These occur because of the saturation, air gaps, and splices in the connecting cables. This is prone to happen in monitoring systems that are based on optical time domain reflectormeter. It is due to the system not sending any alerts to the supervising administrator of the occurrence in other fiber cables during blackouts.

Another limit lies in the dark or unused fibers. Note however that these cables can either be an opportunity or a limitation. Say for instance the information redundancy that these provide in the network. This greatly benefits the company for they have backups during disaster recovery. Meanwhile, its limit lies on accidents from waterlogs or infrastructure resulting to primary and back up information loss.

As with any system, there is a type of device that can be used which works with the same efficiency as OTDR. The difference is that this device is more affordable. It is known as remote fiber monitoring. With this, service time will be reduced significantly and data theft protection is added in its implementation.

What is also good about this device is its simplicity in network solutions. Even though it is as such, it can create a huge impact in the internal system. Its unique feature is it can monitor signals used in both dark and active fibers. Here, the power signals will continuously monitor each cable for both fibers until it detects a fault.

The future is clouded with uncertainty. That is something we positively know. Despite that, we can only hope that any progress IT technicians do will be for the betterment of the fiber monitoring system. They will create a more accurate and comprehensive one that does not consume much power. Electrical interference in system performance will also be lessened.

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